Monster Girl Ranching in Another World

Chapter 71 - He Remembered, Not Letting Go

I turned back to the living room, and Lidy had already set the plate down. Jilly and the Cerberus girls were already digging into the food, and Lidy turned to face me.

"Eggs in the morning?" Lidy asked me and started to turn to head upstairs, but I walked over quickly to stop her, reaching out my hand to her, but she shook her head, and pushed my hand down ​​

"Why don\'t you join us?" I asked, but Lidy just smiled at me and shook her large horns curling horns from side to side.

"No, you have other evening plans, don\'t you? I am sure that Mary is not done with you yet, and If I stay, I might like it too much," Lidy said and turned to head up the stairs without another word.

I watched her go and got a nice view of her naked ass, and I bit more as she left, but then a soft nip at my neck got my attention. I looked down and then remembered what I was doing as I looked into Nushi\'s squinted eyes.

"Do you need to do that when I am in your arms?" Nushi asked crossly, and I had to gulp down some air.

"Sorry, I, ah, yeah, I will keep my eyes in my head," I said and turned back to the other girls and walked over to the couch.

I sat down slowly and let Nushi slide down onto my lap, and I assumed that she was going to slide off me. Instead, Nushi turned to put her back to my chest and leaned back, waiting.

I knew what she wanted, and I wasn\'t able to do it at lunch, so I grabbed one of the metal-looking chopsticks that Lidy had left on the plate for us. I stabbed the meat, but I was surprised that they didn\'t have forks or something like it, but I guess chopsticks were easier to make.

I would stab the meat and then hold it about ten centimeters from Nushi\'s face. Then, and only when she was done entirely chewing, Nushi would take my hand and guide the meat into her mouth.

Jilly was the first one to finish the large pile of sections that I had cut up for her, and she got up right away and started to make her way over to the stairs. I reached out to catch her hand before she went by me, and that stopped Jilly.

She looked down at me, but Jilly had one of those, whatever you want, it better be a good reason to interrupt me. I smiled up at Jilly and let go of her hand.

"Are you still going to come and let me wash you off in the morning? I will be waking up super early to go see if I can deal with Jessabell, but I should be back in good time," I said, but Jilly was already looking away from me, and I swear I heard her mumble, "He remembered," but I wasn\'t about to ask her and ruin the moment.

"Umm, yes, that is fine. Come get me when you… um, come back, please?" Jilly asked shyly but then ran up the stairs before I could answer.

Something had changed about Jilly since we were at Lava Lake. While I thought the new attitude was cute, I could tell that something was really bothering her, so I would have to try and make her feel better tomorrow.

There was only so much one man could do in one day, and my day was already stretched. I turned back, stabbed a bigger slice of meat, fed it to Bera, and then grabbed one for Nushi.

After all the meat was done, I picked up Nushi. She was becoming more attached to me, and I was sure that it was because of the revelation with Nixi, again not a bad thing, but something that would need to be discussed later.

I called for the Cerberus girls, and then I headed up the stairs with Nushi in my arms and the girls on my heels. They were still in dog form, and I think they thought they would be coming to bed with me again.

Nushi\'s room was labeled, but before entering the room, I turned to the Cerberus girls.

"Go up to your room, and I will come to say goodnight to you before bed, okay?" I asked the girls, and they hung their heads. "Tomorrow, you can come sleep in my bed, but tonight I need some time alone."

The girls looked unsure, but then they turned and ran up to the next floor where theirs and Mary\'s rooms were. I sighed and turned back to Nushi\'s new room and opened the door.

I was surprised to see all of the books from her other room inside the room, and the bed was the same.

"You must have done a lot of work when we got home," I said as I looked around the room, but Nushi seemed just as surprised as I was from it.

"I didn\'t do this," Nushi said as I walked over to her bed.

I reached down and pulled the covers back and then laid Nushi down in bed. The problem was that when I went to let go of her, Nushi didn\'t, and I was held with my face almost touching hers.

I could feel and hear her breath getting shorter, and after only a moment of looking into her beautiful smile, I knew what she wanted. I let my arms wrap back around her, and I slowly pulled Nushi into a kiss.

At first, Nushi was stiff in my arms, but then she melted and gave into the kiss. Sparks crackled around me, but I really didn\'t care; I wanted to enjoy all of this, but not tonight, and not without some proper preparation.

I slowly pulled back and broke the kiss, and this time, she let me go. Before I completely pulled back, I leaned down and gave her another kiss, and then said good night, and then left the room, heading up to the next floor.

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