Harem In The Intergalactic Apocalypse

Chapter 166 Booming Bearded Bastards

"All right, since there are more than a handful of you, Sofia, throw the list up on the display so we can all see it. We are not trying to hide any talents, and knowing what each can do will help you all get abilities that work best with you. Today is going to be a long day, so feel free to get comfortable," I explained, and everyone gave a small cheer.

Sofia gestured to a table on the far side of the room, and the list appeared.

[Author Note: To see this complete list, please check the third Auxiliary Chapter: Sofia\'s List Chapter 166(In Progress With Chapters)]

"I would like to complain about your choice of name for the military," Aiko Yua, a short, slightly chubby Japanese woman, complained.

"If you say they are sexist, I will hit you with my slipper, Niñita!" Sofia snapped, kicking up one of her golden slippers into the air and catching it expertly like any good Spanish mother.

"Don\'t call me little girl, Baka!" Aiko snapped back, putting her hands on her hips.

"Papi! Listen to what this Niñita called me!" Sofia snapped, shaking her slipper at me.

"Girls, let\'s all play nice," I said with a sigh.

"You tell that to the Spanish Hentai Poison Ivy, Sensei!" Aiko said, bowing to me.

"Ho! You little tart! Stay away from my Papi with that talk!" Sofia growled.

The rest of the room was standing back, but everyone was separated into Divisions and grouped with their Corps. Getting the military underway with what was coming was going to be crucial going forward, and this didn\'t look like a fast job.

"Girls, pipe down for a minute!" I said loudly, and Sofia and Aiko stopped arguing. "Everyone in the Booming Bearded Bastards Corps, I would like you to stay, but the rest of you are relieved for today. I will see the Successful Failures Corps Tomorrow and the Dirt Eaters Corps the day after. Those in the other two Corps, I want you all to be thinking about how you can best help going forward."

After most of the people left, there was Sofia, I, and the seven others of the Triple B Corps. They were separated into two divisions. Vehicles, The Grease Monkeys; Weapons, The Pew Pews. I wasn\'t really sure about the names, but this was Sofia\'s project, so I let her hold the reins.

"So, now that we have the seven of you, we will call you Triple B Corps. I think that should be better, considering that almost half of the people are women, and they don\'t have beards," I said, looking at Sofia, who gave me a frustrated look tossing her hands in the air.

"What do you want from me? It sounds catchy! The name doesn\'t make the people, sheesh! You have all been picked to be part of a special program, but you girls are just complaining about the name!" Sofia complained.

"Just so we are clear, I didn\'t complain about anything. Hell, I think that is a cool name! I was actually thinking about taking some testosterone and growing a beard before this, so I mean, I am game for the name!" Teresa Miles, a talk white square shoulders woman with a boxy frame, said with a slight southern accent, and I grinned.

"Now that I can do if you have your heart set on the look!" I laughed, but Teresa put her hands up.

"Well, let\'s not be too hasty, am I right? That was one of those things you think of after having a few too many brewskis!" Teresa laughed.

"Well, I will just give you the basic work over. Have you been in the rejuvenation pools?" I asked, but Teresa laughed.

"You mean that nasty green-colored water that looks thick? What is the science behind it? I design tanks and monkey around in the shop from time to time. Not really too good with that stuff, if you know what I mean," Teresa explained, and I nodded.

"Yup, I get you. Okay, take my hand, and I am going to give you a special System. Normally, the Annokale in them would be Active, but I am saving them for warrior and battle Systems. The Systems that I will be giving you will have a sleeping Annokale in them. They won\'t be able to activate, so there is no worry," I explained, but a man that had come from Calgary, Canada, put up a hand. "Go ahead; what is your question, Mike hunt?"

I had visited the place, so I had asked Gaia about him. Mike Hunt was a nice guy, but that was one hell of a name if you said it fast.

"Why are they dormant? Are they ever going to want to get up?" Mike Hunt asked.

"I have people working on that and monitoring them. If we can help them get back to a functioning level, then we will get them to help you. In the meantime, you will be working with some of the Annokale Generals Aids. They are very capable people that use non-offensive systems. Even though some of you will have access to weapons and vehicles, we need you all to be designing things that can be used but clones," I explained.

"Yes, we are killing space Dragons and Gods, right? What information can you share with us about them?" Terri Dubois, a tall slim French man, asked, and Sofia nodded.

"Yes, when Daniel gives you the System, you will gain access to a visual menu display. From there, you can look up all sorts of information that we have collected and what the Annokale have got from small encounters," Sofia explained, and Terri nodded.

"Absolutely exhilarating! So you are telling me that I am going to be able to make customizable missile systems, mon Amie?" Terri asked, and I nodded.

"Yes, that is the idea, but we will have to see what kind of selection comes up. I can edit them slightly, but I need to get stronger to fully edit them," I explained.

"I see, I see. Still, sounds like a pretty good deal! Where do I sign up?" Terri asked with a smile, but Teresa stepped in front of him.

"Hold your horses there, partner. There is a line, and you are behind me. He was just about to bless me with some fancy abilities, so you can wait your turn right there, buddy," Teresa said, and Terri backed up, putting his hands up defensively.

"Me? Go before you? Not in this life of the next! By all means, I am just as excited as you," Terri said with a thick french accent, but Teresa crossed her arms.

"That fancy talk doesn\'t work for me. Not really into toothpicks with mustaches. I need a bear of a man. Someone that can grow a bigger beard than me if I tried!" Teresa said in a bit of a condescending voice, and Terri feigned insult.

"Alright, let\'s get started with these Systems, or we are never going to get out of here," I said, making them go quiet, but Sofia slid up beside me, pressing my left shoulder into her chest, leaning into my ear.

"Yes, Daddy. You should wrap things up here quickly if you want to spend some alone time with me," Sofia purred softly into my ear, making my head spin and my hairs stand up on end.

"Hey! You two can make love another time!" Aiko said, putting her hands on her hips.

I smiled and nodded, reaching my hand out to Teresa. She took it without hesitation into a firm handshake, and I activated my System.

The first option that I was given was a Tank System, and that seemed great, but it felt plain. I put my hand to my chin for a moment, but then I remembered an Anime that I had seen a while back, Heavy Objects.

I tweaked the System a bit more, but there was a restriction that I couldn\'t seem to get rid of for only use on land and water. If the things that Teresa could make were as big as I assumed, they would be getting airborne anyways.

Still, there was the question of what was considered land in space. Could I just surround it with a thin layer of water, and it would work in space? So many questions already, but this was one of many amazing things that I would be creating today and over the course of the next two after this.

Once I was satisfied, I confirmed the selection, and Teresa flashed with light. When it was clear, Teresa was more muscular, and her gray overalls fit her better.

[Name: Teresa Miles]

[Race: Caucasian (American South)]

[Talent: Tank]

[System: Heavy Weapon System]

[System Description: Heavy Weapon System creates Massive Weapons Platforms that can be controlled by a single operator. The System is restricted to Land and Water.]

"Hey! Look at me, go! Good job, boss! You even added a bit on the old titty rack. Don\'t worry; I can spot the minor differences. The left one is smaller; if you hadn\'t noticed already, I am sure you were looking," Teresa said confidently, and I held back my laugh and smiled instead.

"You do look good! You are going to have to start beating the men off with a tire iron!" I laughed.

"No, I have a bat for that. His name is Ben. Really the only man I need in my life!" Teresa laughed.

"Oh? I might be able to animate him if you want?" I half-heartedly offered.

"Leave the poor stick dead, or it will just scream about all the things it can\'t unsee!" Terri laughed, and I had a feeling he might be right.

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