Perfect Superstar

Chapter 145

Among them,new artists were the most.

But Lei Leihas never seen such a newcomer as Lu Chen. He has become famous in the circleand has a considerable popularity. Facing her, his attitude was modest and nothumble. His words were polite and not hypocritical, giving people the feelingof spring breeze.

He is alsovery handsome, not the kind of small fresh meat that is popular nowadays. Hehas the style and sentiment of a man!

Listening toLu Chen tell his story was more like sharing his life experience.

Before sheknew it, Lei Lei let go of her professional instinct and began to listen verycarefully, and was deeply moved.

Lu Chen’sstory was not very long, pointing out the origin of his creative style.

Lei Lei cameback to her senses and said, "You are very lucky..."

In thislife, it is a great luck to have a good mentor and a helpful friend, and LuChen has three.

Lu Chencalmly said: "Yes, I am very lucky!"

That night’slong dream was absolutely a miracle, and also his luck.

Lei Leisighed, "No wonder you can create such excellent works. Then what do youthink of other people’s doubts?"

Lu Chen answeredwithout hesitation, "Go your own way, let others talk!"

In theentertainment industry, one should be able to withstand slander as much as one receiveshonor.

"!"(TN: Already in English in the raw)

Lei Lei’seyes brightened. "Have you read Dante’s Divine Comedy, too?"

Lu Chensmiled, revealing eight white and clean teeth. (TN: Apparently means a standardsmile like the one that flight attendants show.)

Lei Lei wasa little dizzy because Lu Chen’s smile at this moment was as bright as the sun.

She couldn’thelp but blush. She quickly changed the topic and asked, "Then what areyour future plans..."

The followinginterview returned back to the routine pace.

Lei Leiasked Lu Chen about his future career plans. If he had any plans to release analbum, and even asked about Chen Fei’er.

Chen Fei’erwill hold a concert in Beijing in October. Lu Chen was one of the scheduled honoredguests.

She evenasked about Lu Chen’s height, weight, hobbies and criteria for choosing agirlfriend.

Lu Chenanswered as much as possible. If it’s related to his own privacy, he will smilebut not answer.

Lei Lei didn’tget angry either. The atmosphere of the interview and exchange between the two peoplewas very harmonious.

By the timethe interview ended, it was already 4:30 in the afternoon.

Lu Chen gotup and said, "Lei Lei, let’s have a light meal together tonight. There isalso a good restaurant here."

Lei Lei pursedher lips and said with a smile, "I’d love to, but I have to go back to catchup with the manuscript, so maybe next time."

Seeing thatit was not a false courtesy, Lu Chen did not force it.

He called LuXi. Together, they send Lei Lei down the building.

At the timeof parting, Lu Xi stuffed a red envelope to Lei Lei - the rules of the Jianghu.

There areten large banknotes in the red envelope.

Without ChenJianhao’s guidance, she really didn’t know that there were such rules, letalone how much money to give correctly.

Differentreporters have different thickness of the red envelope.

Lei Lei didn’trefuse, but after she got back, she would definitely say something nice for LuChen.

She evencame up with the title of the exclusive interview, which is "Go your ownway, let others talk!"

After seeingthe reporter of the QQ Music Network leave, Lu Xi gently "hummed" andsaid to Lu Chen, "if you have nothing to do in the future, you will dealless with this woman."

Earlier,when Lei Lei interviewed Lu Chen, Lu Xi was not present. But when they were seeingher off, out of the keen intuition of women, she found that Lei Lei seemed tohave a different liking for Lu Chen.

Thediscovery made the elder sister a little wary.

She didn’twant to interfere with Lu Chen’s love life. But the entertainment industry isso chaotic, it was unknown how many bad women are there. If Lu Chen isentangled with one of them, it will be endless trouble.

Lu Chensmiled wryly and said: "Sister, Reporter Lei is not a bad person, I have asense of propriety." (TN: knowing how far to go and when to stop.)

Lu Xi gavehim a look: "I’m just reminding you, anyway, just pay attention to it. Anddon’t forget, tomorrow you’re going to sign a contract with EMI. Is your workready?"

"It’s alreadyready!"

Lu Chen confidentlysaid, "Just wait for the money!"


Comparedwith Lu Chen’s strong self-confidence, Wen Zhiyuan was far from confident.

The daybefore yesterday, Zhang Qiong made his blood rush to his head, and accepted LiZhigao’s request and applied for fund for Tang Qiaoqiao’s song.

As a result,using his connection, Wen Zhiyuan really got a budget of 100,000 yuan.

Such speed wasusually the treatment that the top artists in the company can enjoy.

Wen Zhiyuan wasnot at all happy.

Because afterhe calmed down, he realized that he was too impulsive.

Now, WenZhiyuan is completely tied with Tang Qiaoqiao and Li Zhigao. They are all inthe same boat. If the work produced by Lu Chen is worth the money, then it’sall right, but if it’s just ordinary...

Then hewon’t be able to sit down in the Director position again.

Look who’ssitting in the listening room today!

The biggest wasthe deputy general manager of EMI Brokerage Company, Song Xun, who is also theimmediate boss of Wen Zhiyuan. (TN: Biggest: as in the one with the highestposition among the present)

Then there wasthe manager of the brokerage department, the manager of the public relationsdepartment, and two directors of the brokerage department.

Wen Zhiyuan knewvery well that these two guys who were on the same level as himself definitelycame here to see him make a fool of himself!

In addition,there was also Wan Xingguo, a music consultant from Tianzhai Workshop.

Wan Xingguois also a well-known musician in the circle. He has produced a number of albums.He has served as a consultant to a number of entertainment media and musicproduction companies. He is good friends with Song Xun.

Song Xuninvited Wan Xingguo, saying that it was to check Lu Chen’s works. But the realpurpose is unknown.

It’s just asong. It doesn’t have to be so grand, even if it’s worth 250,000 yuan.

In addition,Zhang Qiong and Zhang Shuhui were also present.

According tothe rules, the two should not have been here at all, but Zhang Qiong’s connectionis strong enough!

Wen Zhiyuan waswell aware that if the others came here to see him make a fool of himself, thenZhang Qiong was ready to hit a nail in his coffin, who had coveted his positionfor not a day or two.

As for LiZhigao. He didn’t have the qualification to sit in the listening room, and had longsince shrunk to the corner.

What a bigbattle!

Although theair conditioner in the listening room was very low, Wen Zhiyuan’s sweat keptpouring out.

"DirectorWen, how long are you going to make everyone wait?"

Aftersitting for a few minutes, Zhang Qiong asked strangely, "These severalmanagers don’t have that much free time."

Your mother,did Laozi invite them?

Wen Zhiyuan swearin his heart, hoping to slap the woman on the spot and use his magnificent bodyweighing up to 200 jin to XXOX and then OOXX! (TN: Some version of the novel didn’tinclude the "XOs")

Of course,he just thought about it. He had to explain to Song Xun with a smile:"Manager Song, then I’ll hurry up."

At 1 o’clockthat afternoon, Lu Chen came over. The two parties have signed a formalcopyright transfer contract, and the songs have been handed over to TangQiaoqiao, who has paid 100,000 yuan.

As asongwriter, Lu Chen behaved professional enough. He specially gave Tang Qiaoqiaoa separate guidance on his work, and didn’t just leave after receiving themoney for the song.

After all,only the original author can fully express the essence of the work.

After theguidance was over, they asked for the listening room again to listen to it. LuChen even prepared the accompaniment tape.

What WenZhiyuan didn’t expect was that at this time Song Xun unexpectedly came with alarge team of people. He didn’t disturbed the talk between Lu Chen and TangQiaoqiao. He sat in the listening room and waited for the new song.

Zhang Qiong,who’s like a ghost who refuses to leave, also appeared here with her niece.

At thattime, Wen Zhiyuan felt as if there were 10,000 grass mud horses galloping throughhis heart!

But what’sdone cannot be undone, and even if he wanted to go back on his word, it was toolate.

The directorof the brokerage department was very depressed. All his hopes can only be placedon Lu Chen.

Blame, justblame yourself for being too impulsive.

"There’sno hurry..."

Song Xunwaved his hand gracefully and said, "Let’s not disturb other people’swork. We’ll wait."

The deputygeneral manager of EMI Brokerage Company is in his 30s and has an elegantappearance and elegant demeanor. However, he is clever and capable. He has won thetrust of the parent company’s board of directors, and has a lot of prestige inthe company.

Sitting nextto him, Wan Xingguo pushed his black-rimmed glasses and said, "Yourcompany is really willing buy a song for 250,000 yuan, that is a price for a workof a great songwriter. But this Lu Chen really has great creative talent. Ihope it’s worth it."

Wan Xingguoand Song Xun are old friends. When they heard that EMI company offered Lu Chena high price for a song, they had a strong interest to come and have a look andmeet this new singer-songwriter with a rising reputation.

He didn’tknow the inside story, but felt that the price was too high. It was inevitablethat he had a picky idea.

"In Spring","You Who Sat Next To Me" and so on are good works, but Lu Chen is anewcomer!

The newcomerwants to ascend to the top in one step, then where will the senior in thecircle be placed? (TN: Senior here is his predecessors/the ones before him.)

In Wan Xingguo’sview, Lu Chen’s actions have broken the rules.

Of course,it is normal for young people with a little talent to not know the complexityof things. At present, there is lack of domestic original works, and Lu Chen’srise is also a good thing, so it is better to encourage it!

It should beknown that Tan Hong and Chen Fei’er, two big stars, both appreciate Lu Chenvery much.

Wan Xingguothought to himself, but Song Xun just smiled and didn’t speak. This time, thecompany’s purchase of a song from Lu Chen was complicated, and even involvedinternal power strife. He personally brought people over mainly as a deterrent.

You guysfight, but if it affects the development of the company, watch out for me!

Song Xun’seyes quickly swept across the faces of Zhang Qiong and Zhang Shuhui, who weresitting on one side, inadvertently.

Zhang Qiongnoticed this and immediately showed a flattering smile.

This woman!

Song Xun softlysnorted in his heart.

At this time,the door of the listening room was pushed open and a young man in a T-shirt andjeans came in with a girl in a white dress.

Seeing thatthe room was already full, both of them were stupefied.

Wen Zhiyuan,however, as if granted an amnesty, hurriedly got up and said, "Teacher LuChen..."


TN: Machine translation of the title is "A Big Battle" or "A Big Weaponry". I used the first one, but another possible title, after i finished this chapter, might be "A BIg Lineup".

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